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My blog provides vibrant and honest content, which details the challenging aspects of backpacking alongside the magical moments. I have been exploring the world for 10 years so far, and I have learnt many lessons along the way. I hope the stories in this blog will not only be filled with useful advice but also inspire you to strap on your backpack and follow your own curiosity into parts unknown.

Hi, I'm Aimee! This is my travel blog: I Dream of Mangoes

Travel Blogger
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Travel Blogger

Travel Inspiration for the Adventurous...

Amazing Road Trips

There are some places in the world that are best-served justice by experiencing them on a road trip! Embark on the journey of a lifetime, hit the open road, and explore new cultures and cuisines with my road trip recommendations! 

The Journey Continues...

Follow my adventure around the world, as I recommend the best spots in out-of-the-way destinations, local travel & food tips, and advice on how best to plan for low-budget backpacker-style travel.

Mangoes Travel Blogger
Fresh Mangos

About Me

I Dream of Mangoes Profile photo

My name is Aimee and I am from Sussex in the UK. I embarked upon my first backpacking adventure straight from studying Zoology at university, a little more than 10 years ago.

With time, my destinations have become more adventurous. Still, my style of travel has remains the same: Budget and eco-friendly, with a curiosity for the unusual and a desire to 'hang with the locals'.

In between my travels, I have trained to become a qualified Sommelier and Yoga Teacher.

I love animals, yoga, food, wine, hiking, and all things ocean, and even though there are challenges that come with full-time backpacking, every day I pinch myself that I am living my dream.

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